Manga works

✿ my manga works ✿

★ [2012] Unnoticed (16p) [printed: sold out]

★ [2012] Making up memories (4p) [read online]

★ [2012] Giving smiles away (4ch - hiatus) [read online]

★ [2016] The one who stays (78p) - [printed: available] [french]

★ [2017] No winners without losers (SMA8 award candidate) [read online]

★ [2017] El robot que intentó detener el fin del mundo (Norma Ed. finalist)

★ [2019] The one who stays: Memories (8p) [printed within special edition]

★ [2022] Tomato sauce: with lots of love (--p) [TBA]

✿ please, look forward to my future works ✿